Friday, November 29, 2013

Derf art for sale at Genghis Con!

This Sunday, I'll be at The Genghis Con indy comix fest in Cleveland. For you locals, it's at the Beachland Ballroom from 2 to 7 pm. THis show is in its 5th year and I've been part of it since the beginning. We're hoping to build more of a cohesive, vibrant comix scene here in Cleveland, home of Siegel & Shuster, Havery Pekar, Brian Michael Bends, Bill Watterson, Brian Azzarello and many other A-list creators. 

To that end, and as an enticement to pull in folks to the con, I'm offering a series of original drawings, all done of the back of comic book backer boards, for the ridiculous price of $30 each! That's right, original Derfs for $30! These are one-of-a-kind pieces. I've drawn up characters from all my books, for example Joey and Wendy from Punk Rock & Trailer Parks up top. And have created a series of Ghoulardi Finks, featuring a mash-up of Cleveland's beloved horror movie host in some Big Daddy Roth hotrods. The ones here are just a few of the 20 or so I'll have for sale. They won't last long. In addition, I'll do pieces on request while at the con, although I'll be under a time constraint, obviously. Each pieces takes me a half hour or so, so do the math. 

These aren't available by mail order, and I won't reserve anything. You want em? Come to Genghis Con and get em! Doors open at 2 pm.